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First Response Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test

Original price was: $36.50.Current price is: $29.20.

(In Stock)

SKU: 66EZBWA2FWBH Category:

First Response Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test

Gain certainty with the First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test & Confirm Pack, offering dual testing options one standard and one digital test. This allows you to initially test and then re-confirm the results for reassurance. Recognizing pregnancy early is crucial. The First Response Early Result Test, equipped with First to Detect technology, can identify even minimal levels of pregnancy hormones, providing results up to six days before your missed period. Early detection is vital, as the initial weeks of pregnancy are fundamental for fetal development. Prompt awareness of pregnancy enables you to start making healthy choices sooner, encompassing diet, nutrition, and reducing exposure to risks, all essential for your baby’s healthy weight and overall survival.

First Response Pregnancy Test Features:

  • The pack contains two early result pregnancy tests: one standard and one digital.
  • It stands out by providing results earlier than any other.
  • With over 99% accuracy from the day of your expected period, it can detect all variations of the pregnancy hormone.


Q: How soon after unprotected sex can I use the First Response Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test?

A: For the most accurate results, it’s best to take the test after your period is missed. However, this test can detect pregnancy up to six days before your missed period.

Q: Can any medications or health conditions impact the results of the test?

A: Yes, certain medications and health conditions might influence the test’s accuracy. It’s advisable to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns.

Q: Is there a chance of getting a false-positive with the Test & Confirm Pregnancy Test?

A: False positives are uncommon, but they can happen due to reasons like using an expired test, misreading evaporation lines, or the influence of specific medications. Always confirm a positive test result with your healthcare provider.

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